Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 1-I am dating someone special

How do you define single? Is it when you don't have a so called special boyfriend? If it is so, so I am gladly admit that I am single. But there's time when I'm not single especially when I know I have such a loving family, great best friends and even 'amusing' not so good friends. Haha. They do make my day brighter. ;)

Fitrah kan when you feel attracted to somebody. But then you realize, you can't nurture the feeling too much, if not you might be slipped from the right track. And there are plenty of concrete reasons why you are not allowed to build such a romantic relationship before tying the knot- get married.

Well, yeah. He doesn't reply my tweet pun. :( I mean Abang Bruno...:-p
taken from HERE

P/s" okay, Hasnol rahmat sorang lagi. :p


ummul huda said...

You have Allah dear..He never leave u alone...stand by your side always...

Kayun said...

Alhamdulillah. hee :)